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Quality Management System: Understanding Its Role in Boosting Aged Care Services

Quality Management System: Understanding Its Role in Boosting Aged Care Services

Did you know quality management systems can transform your aged care facility, creating happier residents and smoother operations?

Here’s a true example.

When Rosalie moved into an aged care facility, her family was confident she would receive excellent care. However, as months passed, she became frustrated with small issues—unappetising meals, delayed responses to her requests, a lack of activities that truly interested her, and occasional misunderstandings with staff.

Her family noticed her growing dissatisfaction, and when they brought it up with management, there did not seem to be a clear system in place to address these concerns.

Then, the facility introduced Centrim Life’s quality management software. Soon, Rosalie’s feedback was collected in real-time, complaints were handled promptly, and the staff was more engaged.

An integrated quality management software such as Centrim Life can make aged care homes more responsive, efficient, and attuned to resident needs. Read on to explore how Centrim Life can help your facility do the same.

Empower Quality Management System with Real-Time Feedback

The real-time feedback option in Centrim Life’s aged care quality management software offers multiple benefits:

  • It enables aged care providers to collect feedback in real-time from residents, staff, and even visitors.
  • The instant feedback allows facilities to respond quickly to concerns and maintain a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Easy-to-use feedback kiosks and mobile apps help residents voice their opinions whenever needed, without waiting for scheduled reviews.

One aged care facility in Darwin that implemented Centrim Life noticed a significant enhancement in its dining services. Residents had repeatedly reported a lack of variety in meals.

But, thanks to real-time feedback options in the quality management system software, the kitchen team introduced more dishes to the menu. This invariably helped improve resident satisfaction.

Quality Management Software with Built-in Complaints Tracker 

Swift and efficient handling of complaints is key to maintaining a positive environment in aged care homes. Here’s How Centrim Life helps with this:

  • With Centrim Life, every issue is documented, tracked, and resolved on time.
  • With real-time tracking, facilities find it easier to manage the complaint resolution process.
  • The quality management software’s capabilities to resolve issues prevent small problems from escalating into bigger ones.

An aged care facility in Newcastle saw a rise in maintenance complaints—broken light fixtures and malfunctioning heaters. Residents complained that the facility took forever to attend to these complaints.

After introducing Centrim Life’s built-in complaints management, maintenance issues within the facility were quickly identified and resolved, keeping residents comfortable and satisfied.

Continuous Improvement in Quality management

Progressive Continuous Improvement (PCI) forms the core of Centrim Life’s feedback and quality management system.

This feature provides numerous advantages such as:

For instance, an Adelaide-based aged care facility witnessed a marked improvement in staff retention rates after using Centrim to automate communication and data updating processes across the facility.

Incident Management: Ensuring Safe & Comfortable Settings

Keeping residents safe is our top priority. That explains why Centrim Life offers tried and tested solutions to prevent and handle incidents in aged care facilities.

Centrim Life’s incident management tools make it easy for staff to:

  • Report incidents immediately
  • Keep track of incidents
  • Ensure proper documentation of each incident
  • Follow-up reports and confirm if the issue has been satisfactorily resolved

This transparency of our quality management system software not only improves accountability but also helps identify patterns or areas that need additional attention.

Take, for example, a facility in Canberra where frequent falls were reported.

By using Centrim Life to log and track these incidents, the facility identified unsafe areas and implemented preventative measures, reducing the number of falls and improving resident safety.

Also read: Track and Manage Personal Belongings Beyond Facility Assets

Quality Management System Offering Actionable Insights 

With powerful analytics tools built into the aged care quality improvement software, care providers can easily conduct resident and employee surveys and gain valuable insights.

These insights allow management to identify trends and areas that need improvement. It then becomes easier to take targeted action and enhance both care quality and workplace conditions.

A well-known aged care home in Perth used analytics to spot low satisfaction scores related to recreational activities. By introducing new programs based on resident feedback, they saw an increase in overall satisfaction and engagement among residents.

Check out: How Technology is Revolutionising Nutrition in Aged Care Homes

Ensure Compliance: Align with Regulatory Requirements

Although meeting regulatory requirements is mandatory, it can be time-consuming for aged care providers. Thankfully, Centrim Life simplifies this process.

The quality management software automates the submission of National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program data. This reduces administrative burdens and allows facilities to focus more on providing high-quality care.

With the automation, your facility remains compliant with the latest standards, avoids penalties, and offers peace of mind for staff and residents.

Final Thoughts

Centrim Life’s quality management system does a whole lot more than enhance resident satisfaction. It improves the overall operational efficiency of aged care homes.

Centrim Life enables real-time feedback, streamlines complaints, ensures continuous improvement, manages incidents, and provides actionable insights. The result? Happier residents, more engaged staff, and a well-managed facility that exceeds regulatory standards.

Just as Rosalie’s experience was transformed through better feedback and quality management, your aged care home too can achieve new levels of excellence with Centrim Life.

Get in touch with us to schedule a free demo. We will help you build a culture of continuous improvement and transform your aged care home into a better place to live and work.